What can threaten you during first aid?


In the event of an accident, assess safety regularly and repeatedly, keep your eyes on the head. Watch out for the airbags if they have not yet deployed, react if the vehicle you are operating on starts to roll, smoke, or burn. Remember what you were taught in erste hilfe kurs in münchen. Be alert, visible, and don’t be surprised.

Cars transporting hazardous substances

If such a vehicle has been involved in an accident, exercise extreme caution and consider whether to approach it at all places of the event. An overturned cistern, as you know from erste hilfe kurs, can be a genuine danger. When calling the emergency number, mention the fact that a vehicle carrying hazardous substances has had an accident. If you can see the markings from where you are substances on the boards, read them to the dispatcher.


During a fire, windows break, tires shoot, and the interior of the vehicle burns or melts and after a while, there is little left of it. If you see starting a fire, and the approach to the car is not yet life-threatening, try to drag out immediately the people who are not able to get out themselves. If you don’t, they will burn. You should carry them to a safe distance, and help them there. Ask other witnesses to use fire extinguishers, preferably several at the same time. However, as explained in erste hilfe führerschein a small car fire extinguisher little helps with a rapidly spreading fire.

Fuel leak

There are times you need to go around to spot a leaking car all around. When approaching an accident, go around the car to make sure it is there safely on all sides. It will also allow you to spot any other casualties, such as a pedestrian, which may be far ahead of the vehicle or, for example, in a ditch.

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