Stem cell therapy and PRP therapy: What’s the difference?

Stem cell therapy and PRP therapy

The medical industry has given the patient many new techniques of treatment. Stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma therapy are the two procedures that have benefited a lot of patients in recent years. Both these procedures are utilized in a wide range of orthopaedic conditions. They are used in case of an injured or damaged ligament, bone crack and surgery wound.  But what is the difference between PRP and stem cell? This post will brief you about both therapies.

Stem cell

In stem cell therapy, the stem cells are harvested from fat deposits or bone marrow. This process can aid in treating an arthritic joint. It can help in regrowing cartilage. Stem cell therapy in Atlantais done under trained practitioners’ management; they remove the stem cells from the bone marrow by using a needle or incision. A concentrated solution with the stem cells is formed by the practitioners. After making the solution, they inject it in those areas of the body which are damaged. Stem cell therapy can even build new tissue, which is required in the body.

PRP therapy

In platelet-rich plasma therapy, there is the participation of your blood sample. The plate-rich plasma is taken from your blood sample with the help of a needle. With the healing properties and growth factors of your blood, many damages or conditions can be cured. Like platelets, there are numerous elements in your blood.  Platelets are the key components that can heal an injured body. PRP therapy is a great alternative for those individuals who are suffering from orthopaedic injuries. You can decide on a PRP therapy if you have a very old wound that requires healing. The healing in the injured area can become quick with this treatment. It is possible due to the high concentration of PRP injecting into the damaged part of the body. After it gets injected, the transferred platelets go inside and do the repair.

PRP injection vs stem cell therapy

These two processes are not very similar to each other, but they are performed for treating similar kinds of conditions or injuries. Spinal conditions, tendonitis, arthritis in joints and overuse injuries are some health conditions that can be treated with PRP injections and Stem cell therapy in Atlanta. The use of surgical tools and anaesthesia is not there in both therapies. There are fewer probabilities of risks, and they are minimally invasive procedures.

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